Loneliness Overseas?

Sometimes one reason we don’t want to leave home is because of just that: it IS home. It’s where our family and friends are. The grocery store stocks our favorite foods in the same aisle, we love our library, our neighbours, our newspaper… in short, we LOVE home. And despite the pretty brochures of turquoise seas and sandy beaches, we wonder why we would leave our community, our friends at the gym or our book club. Okay, yes, we have to scrape the car windshield in the morning, and shovel some snow, but so what, so does everybody, and it sure feels good when spring arrives.

That is true and undeniable. Leaving isn’t right for everybody. But if you recognize that you are in a rut, the shovelling and cold in April are a bit too onerous, and you wouldn’t mind sun, beach, and different flavors, even some new people in your life, then maybe a sabbatical is exactly what could shake you out of your rut. Not to leave forever, but for a while. Months, or a year. And if that is your situation, does the fear of loneliness hold you back?

If you are going as a family, then maybe this isn’t a concern. And these days, a familiar voice is as close as a phone call away. Here in France I have a cell phone plane for 10 euros per month that lets me make unlimited international calls to 40 countries, including Canada. Or there’s Skype, or other free internet calling programs, like google Hangouts. Throw in Facebook and email, and I feel pretty connected to my life back home.

But if you are a social person, and nervous about making connections, let me reassure you: choose a destination with expats and you will find yourself making connections, almost without trying, with people who have done what you have done and are offering support. They have probably set up a range of activities and opportunities to join. These days you can probably check it all out online before you even get there.

And even with language barriers, I have yet to be in a part of the world where the locals didn’t offer friendship or friendliness. That includes a range of continents, people of varying religions and cultures. So open yourself to friendship, trust that people will appear, and head out there! You may even come home with some new lifelong friends.

But just remember, you’re out there to find yourself, too.

Found: Friends

About karenw

We love being a Portable Family and are spending a year in the sunny southwest corner of France.

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